The Tinder Project
Aussie dating coach Mark Rosenfeld takes on the challenge to step into his clients' shoes as he goes ONLINE undercover as a woman for 365 consecutive days on dating apps. Follow his hilarious and slightly educational journey alongside sidekick Teal Elisebeth as they make dating fun again and show that there are still great people out there.
The Tinder Project
#18 Date Stalking: Should You RESEARCH Your Upcoming Date?
In this engaging conversation, Mark Rosenfeld and Teal Elisabeth discuss the results of the emoji-less dating 30-day experiment, exploring how the absence of emojis affected Mark's ability to create matches and conversations with the men online and how it affected the monthly numbers. The duo also explored several unique dating apps, highlighting the evolving landscape of online dating and the various niches that cater to specific interests, including apps based around pet ownership. Finally, they delve into the quality of connections made through online dating, emphasizing the importance of intuition over extensive research on potential dates.
The emoji-less experiment led to a more conscious expression of feelings, and the same number of dates!
Quality connections can be made without relying on emojis.
There are many unique dating apps catering to specific interests.
Men are often more likely to own dogs, while women tend to have cats.
The first few days of online dating can be discouraging but are often a latency period.
The dating landscape is evolving with niche apps for various interests.
It's important to trust your intuition when dating.
Researching a date online can lead to unnecessary anxiety.
Building a connection organically is more valuable than online research.
0:00 Introduction
0:33 Teal's Bump & Mark's Dryer
1:46 The Results Of The Emojiless Experiment!
8:22 Mark's Ban From Tinder
8:57 Bizarre Dating App Niches
13:45 Do Single Daters Take After Their Animals?
19:22 Date Stalking - Should You Research Your Date Before Meeting Up?
27:02 Want Personal Help? Book A Call!
Consult with Mark: https://app.iclosed.io/e/assessment/make-him-yours-mark-rosenfeld
Consult with Teal: https://calendly.com/tealeriege/freecall/
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thetinderproject
Support or Visit us at: https://thetinderproject.buzzsprout.com
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[Speaker 1]
The final results of the emoji-less experiment, bizarre dating app niches, and dates stalking how far is too far before you meet up with your new date. We'll see you right after this. G'day and welcome to The Tinder Project, the podcast where a straight Aussie man attempts to survive 365 days dating online as an American woman.
I'm your host, Mark Rosenfeld, Australia's dating coach for women. I'm here with my sidekick, self-love coach, Teal Elizabeth, and together, we have one mission, to make meeting good men fun and easy for you. Let's give it a go.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
I hear you have a bump.
[Speaker 2]
The baby's bumping. She's bumping along. It's exciting.
[Speaker 1]
Congratulations. You have a bump. We got a new dryer.
[Speaker 2]
I think I win on exciting. Although a dryer is exciting. I will say I just got a new stove and it is very exciting to have a new appliance.
[Speaker 1]
A stove and a bump beats a dryer for sure. I have to say I was very impressed with this because the gentleman who brought the dryer in had some quite tricky stairs to navigate. They had to go up a couple of flights.
The stairs are quite high. These guys were phenomenal. They had this strap thing that they basically put over their shoulders and they just took this dryer through.
Didn't hit the painting. Took it around the corner. These guys were magic.
I was very impressed, Teal.
[Speaker 2]
They did the same thing with the stove. Did they? They did a physics thing with their leverage of the weight so that it doesn't break their back.
[Speaker 1]
Is your stove upstairs?
[Speaker 2]
No, but there's a couple steps and it's just a long way from the delivery truck to the kitchen.
[Speaker 1]
Wow. Should we get on to the topic of the day, Teal?
[Speaker 2]
Yes, I want to hear your emoji-less challenge. It's finished. It's finished.
You must be so relieved.
[Speaker 1]
It's complete. I feel like I grew as a human. I expanded my feelings vocabulary for the month.
I am a little relieved to have access to emojis back, but you know what? I think there'll probably be 20% less emojis moving forwards and a little more feeling words because I've enjoyed just seeing how we can actually get energy and maybe it's not quite the same peaks in certain messages as what I would read it as if I was just reading the text. But overall, I have to say the results are pretty convincing.
So why don't I show you these? You want to see? All right.
I'm going to go ahead and let me show you here. So can you see my screen? Lovely, too.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Okay. For those listening, we have the Tinder project days 31 to 130 results. So it's three months of Tinder project.
Now, why is it 31 to 130? Because we always add a few days on the end so that the guys we match in the last couple of days can basically flow through the system and turn into dates. So we have the last three months in front of us.
August was a month where we kind of did the standard thing. September was when we stopped opening any conversation. So we just let the guys come to us.
And in October, at Teal's request, we did go back to opening some conversations. However, we were not using emojis the whole month. So the, the big results overall, we got virtually the same amount of dates.
It's very exciting. In August, we had 13. Yep.
In September, we had 12. Remember, I'm doing 20 minutes a day, once a day. And in October, we also had 12.
[Speaker 2]
So, yeah, So both your approach and my approach work, basically.
[Speaker 1]
It seems so. It seems very much so. I was a little doubtful.
I was a little skeptical. Now, I will say that in the second last column, for those who are listening, we had the number of times we gave our phone number out. So in the last three months, August was 16.
September was 18. And this month, as in October moving through into November, was 13. So we did have about 25% less times giving our number out, which usually indicates we had fewer conversations that went the distance.
But interestingly, when we did give our number out, we had almost 100% of them actually turn into a phone call. So for example, in the previous month, we gave our number out 18 times, but we only had 12 of them turn into a phone call. This month, we gave our number out only 13 times, which indicates there wasn't quite as many conversations flowing.
But it seems those that did converted nonetheless. So that's exciting.
[Speaker 2]
That's super fascinating. Okay, you might be converting me to numbers. I'm getting really all nerdy on this.
I think these are just really interesting data statistics. And just, yeah, getting to actually use science and math in feelings of love. It's kind of a cool combo hybrid here.
[Speaker 1]
I've loosely considered going back, and I may have to have the VA do this, because I'm not sure I'll get the chance. And just going through and actually counting how many feelings words were in these conversations compared to previous months. Comb through those conversations.
But no, it was interesting overall. It really did. I have to say it felt like a little bit more work for me, because I think typically I'm in my head like a lot of people, probably like a lot of our listeners.
And accessing the feeling as opposed to showing it with an emoji, it did feel a little bit more effortful. I had to really stop and go, okay, how does that make me feel? I had to be super conscious of adding those feelings in.
And in terms of total conversations, it looks like we had what? 32 in August, 33 in September, 29. So we had a few less conversations.
And yeah, fewer of them led to a phone number drop. So 33 led to 18 in September. 29, almost as many only led to 13 this month.
But yeah, like I say, it seems like the 13 that we did get converted into 12 phone calls pretty effectively. We didn't get too many that basically bailed, which means they're solid invested guys. They're following through, essentially.
[Speaker 2]
Well, and can I also highlight something for the ladies listening? This is 12 solid, somewhat highly invested guys who are willing to get off the apps and have a genuine phone call. 12 in a month.
12 high quality men in a month. Consistently over August, September, and October, 12 new high quality men every single month. And I think that's something even more worth highlighting.
That if anyone is having trouble getting onto those phone calls or even feeling like there's any worthwhile guys that aren't just on there to catfish or just dick around, like this really shows there are good men that actually want to create a relationship. So I think that's huge.
[Speaker 1]
They are there. They are absolutely. I love that you mentioned that, Teal.
And another thing I'll point out, guys, just a small strategic thing. But as I was saying earlier, if you match it with a guy, at least for me, if I've been matching with a guy on day 29 or 30 of the experiment, I usually give it a few extra days where I'm not doing any more matching for those last few guys to flow through the funnel. But that also means in those first few days, there are very few, let's say you go on an app day one, you're not going to have dates for those first four or five days.
And I think a lot of women that I meet, I see you guys often, not always, but often, you log online and do a few days and then it's very disappointing. I checked the numbers and only one of these months did I have a date in the first five days. Only one of the months, as in it took me six days in two out of the three months to get a date.
So even though I'm averaging, what is it, three a week here, the first week is a kind of latency period where you'll only likely be getting a date or two by the end of that week. Now, if you go on multiple times a day, you can probably speed that up, but I'm only going on once a day. So keep that in mind.
If you're only going on once a day like me, those first five or six days, which I think are the most demoralizing for a lot of people, I'm not even getting dates in those first five or six days. So keep that in mind when you sort of go on for three, four days and think nothing's working. It's brewing.
It's on its way.
[Speaker 2]
Yes. Love that. Love that.
That's a really good point to end on. Fabulous. Well, thank you, Mark, for taking the time to put all that together and just dissect it into something very tangible for us to go, cool.
[Speaker 1]
You're so welcome. I do have a slight negative for the day. I said, you know what we're going to do this month?
We're going to have a single mum. It's going to be single mum time. So I switched the profile around to be a single mum.
And unfortunately, Tinder went ahead and figured me out and I have been officially banned from Tinder. So it's okay. There's many other dating apps.
Bumble was there to save us and we've got a few others in the backlog just in case Bumble smarts up as well. So no need to worry about the project. However, yeah, I've moved the single mum stuff over to Bumble.
We're going to be doing that. And then actually this segues quite well. I wanted to talk to you about some of the bizarre dating apps because I thought in the second half of the Tinder project as we can move towards the end of the year, I kind of want to test some of these Teal.
And I thought maybe I'd run some by you today and we can figure out which sounds the most fun to kind of test. I know you've heard of a few. So here's what I've got.
Here's what I've got. We've got a couple that are a little more normal. We've got Thursday.
Now Thursday would be a tricky one to test because Thursday is an app where essentially you meet with people every Thursday and then they kind of switch the app off during the week and it basically leads to real life dates on the weekend. So that's kind of an interesting concept for those of you out there who have tried it, maybe leave us a comment. That one I can't really test.
Happn is a dating app that's purely on geographical location. If you pass someone, you will have more dates. That could be an issue at the moment because I'm not leaving the house very often as a new parent.
But that's a little more on the normal side. Now where we've got some interesting ones and I know you had a couple of these. We've got tall friends, which for any of the ladies out there who are, you know, over 5'9", 5'10".
That might be your dating app. How tall are you?
[Speaker 2]
I'm 5'9". Yeah.
[Speaker 1]
You're 5'9".
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. I know. I guess we've never met in person.
You don't know how tall I am.
[Speaker 1]
Sam is I think 5'8 and a half. She's somewhere around 5'8 and a half, 5'9". And yeah, she's taller than me in heels, which I don't think she's a huge fan of.
But I'm okay with it. I feel like I'm sort of, yeah, I'm dating a model or something here. I'm okay with it.
We've got tall friends. We've got several that match based on food. Have you seen these?
[Speaker 2]
No. I didn't know there were all these new apps out. This is super interesting.
We've got, oh my gosh.
[Speaker 1]
We've got the very creatively named gluten-free dating.
[Speaker 2]
Oh, wow.
[Speaker 1]
I wonder what that one's all about, you know.
[Speaker 2]
That's amazing that there are enough people in the world now that are gluten-free that they can actually make a whole app around it.
[Speaker 1]
Dude, some of these, they have sizzle, which is for bacon lovers. And people are imagining how you like your bacon.
[Speaker 2]
Oh my God, I'm sorry. You're going to make my cough worse. I'm going to laugh so hard.
This is hilarious.
[Speaker 1]
I kind of want to test sizzle for a month, though, and just kind of see what happens there.
[Speaker 2]
Okay, wow. That actually probably covers about the majority of the population.
[Speaker 1]
That's true. That one doesn't narrow down much, does it? We've got Saladmatch, which is for, I believe it's, is it vegetarian vegans?
Let me double check this.
[Speaker 2]
How funny? Oh my gosh, people are getting creative.
[Speaker 1]
Saladmatch proves online dating is a strange place. That's Huffington Post. Where's actual Saladmatch website?
Ex Saladmatch. Ready to meet your soulmate? What does this say?
Hang on, get out of here.
[Speaker 2]
I would say, though, if, I mean, because some people that are vegan or vegetarian are, I mean, that's a big value for them. It's a big lifestyle for them. And I think that actually is a really good way to be able to weed people out.
[Speaker 1]
Totally. It's, yeah, I feel you on that one. We've got Farmers Only, which is just for farmers.
That was an interesting one I came across. You know, you're rural. You want someone who's rural.
I kind of get it. You could see that. We've got Bristler.
Now this was interesting. And I do believe I want to have a test of this one, even if it's just a week. Bristler is only for women who want to date men with a beard.
[Speaker 2]
Really? No way. Wow.
[Speaker 1]
I'm just imagining. Remember a few weeks ago, we had those Indian women who had the huge beard protest. I'm just imagining how much this would trigger them and how unhappy they would be.
It's for those with beards and those who like to stroke them, I believe is the catchphrase.
[Speaker 2]
Okay, okay. That weirds me out a little bit. Okay.
[Speaker 1]
Do you like to stroke Spencer's beard?
[Speaker 2]
No, no, not at all.
[Speaker 1]
You don't? We wouldn't find you on Bristler?
[Speaker 2]
No, no. And the longer the beard, the ugh, no. Keep that thing in check, please.
[Speaker 1]
I am getting very excited. I've seen some early news. Tangent here.
We are starting to get word of who will be Dumbledore in the HBO Harry Potter series.
[Speaker 2]
Oh boy.
[Speaker 1]
Starting to receive word.
[Speaker 2]
And it will not be...
[Speaker 1]
There were rumours it would be the original actor's son, as in the Dumbledore in the first two movies, there were rumours it would be his son, who is quite a well-known actor within his own right. He was the guy, I don't know if you've seen the series Chernobyl. He was the good guy.
That was a cool series. Anyway, that's... Speaking of beards, they're casting for Dumbledore and next year they're casting for Ron, Harry and Hermione.
That is going to be exciting.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
What else we got here? We've got... Oh, the other ones I found were around animals.
So we've got Equestrian Cupid, which is basically for people who like horses. Now, I went to vet school. Horse people, you know I'm right here.
You guys have a thing of your own.
[Speaker 2]
Yes, there are horse people.
[Speaker 1]
There are horse people.
[Speaker 2]
There are horse people, 100%.
[Speaker 1]
There is a dating app for you all now.
[Speaker 2]
Just for you.
[Speaker 1]
It's called Equestrian Cupid. If you match on nothing else, you can at least find a fellow horse person to hang out with. You know what?
You're probably happy with that if I know what you're like. So good for you. And then finally, Tin Dog.
Tin Dog. Tin Dog just... I don't think it even shows the owner.
You just find a dog that you like the look of and match with the dog and then your dog meets their dog and you hope that the owner is attractive. Stop. That's it.
That's the...
[Speaker 2]
Okay. I'm just imagining all these nerdy engineers in San Francisco just sitting around a boardroom being like, what's the weirdest app I could create right now? And let's just see if this works.
[Speaker 1]
Tin Dog is a social dating app that aims to connect dog owners. By filtering distance, interests, and other categories, you'll be able to find dogs in your area and information about their owners.
[Speaker 2]
I will say, I do have a little theory about people and their dogs that the people that the dogs tend to look and act a lot like their owners or vice versa.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
You ever noticed this?
[Speaker 1]
I mean, I've seen photos where people say people look like their dogs and they have, you know, a big guy with a big bald head and a French bulldog next to him and it's sort of doing the side by side. But is it actually a thing? I guess animals can pick up owners' emotions and habits and stress.
So is that what you mean?
[Speaker 2]
I kind of think it is. I think subconsciously we pick animals that we feel comfortable around. And if we're more anxious, then we're going to feel more anxious with an anxious dog.
I don't know. I just, I think there's a correlation. Might be a cool test to do.
[Speaker 1]
So, okay. Following on from this, why do more...
[Speaker 2]
We could go on to that tin dog and just do an experiment on that of how many of the owners end up matching with their dogs.
[Speaker 1]
I want to jump on what you just said a second ago, that we get animals that are like us. So how do you then say or explain women tend in general to have cats more often and men tend to have dogs more often? Is there a behavioral reason for this?
And if so, what do you believe it to be, Tim?
[Speaker 2]
Do you really actually know that to be true? Or is that just your perspective?
[Speaker 1]
Yeah. I mean, I can check the stats, but I checked them a while back. And typically single men are more likely to own a dog than a cat and vice versa for women.
[Speaker 2]
That is very interesting. And what would that mean about them?
[Speaker 1]
Yeah. What does that say about the people who are blind? Because I don't think it's an accident that men tend to buy dogs a little more often.
I have a cat, so I'm on the opposite side.
[Speaker 2]
And I have a dog.
[Speaker 1]
And you have a dog.
[Speaker 2]
And I've never had cats.
[Speaker 1]
You've never had cats. I grew up with both. I've always been an animal person.
I should go into the whole story of how I became such an animal person. Animals are actually where I could really express myself as a kid. That was where I felt the most safest.
I've always had a very close connection with animals. Obviously, I got a veterinary degree. So that was a big part of it.
But I do think that there's an element of, since men typically lean back a little bit more, and in the average dynamic, I know it can switch. But typically, you'll see more often a woman being the anxious, leaning individual attachment-wise and the man being the avoidant leaning. And biologically, to me, that makes sense.
You think of the biological burden and energy investment of pregnancy. It makes sense that the woman's going to value that bond, while the man needs to make sure he has the freedom to collect the resources to support the child and have that bond. So I think there's a strong biological precedent there.
I do think that dogs tend to be more anxious. And so for the men who like to, I suppose, have love come to them, it, to me, makes a little more sense that men go, okay, for the more anxious, I could be talking out of my ass here.
[Speaker 2]
And cats are more avoidant. And so the women are like, wait, wait, wait. Cats are a little more avoidant.
[Speaker 1]
They're a little more independent.
[Speaker 2]
So, you know, it's kind of, you can go to them and- They're fulfilling that other void.
[Speaker 1]
That's my theory, Teal. Why don't you agree with it?
[Speaker 2]
I think that's a great theory. But anyways, so basically you want to take on one of these new apps as another test?
[Speaker 1]
I think we should take on a couple. Yeah. Which one sounds like the most fun to you?
I know you're going to say 10 dogs. So which sounds like the second most fun?
[Speaker 2]
To you. I mean, the beard one, even though it weirds me out, could be really interesting, just because I think could meet some odd people on there. I don't know.
No, I don't think I want to talk about beards. I don't want to talk about beards for the next three episodes. The bacon one, the vegan one, or some of the other ones.
[Speaker 1]
I mean, there's also religious ones. We didn't really talk about those. Oh, yeah.
[Speaker 2]
You know, I kind of want to know from our listeners, could we take a poll in the next week and then make a decision next week? Because I think I want the listeners to be able to dictate and kind of influence this too.
[Speaker 1]
It would be interesting to go on Tall Friends, even as a short person, and just see if it's full of tall guys. Because you'd kind of brush past that problem of height, wouldn't you? You'd just go, all right.
[Speaker 2]
That's true. Everyone here is 6'2".
[Speaker 1]
Yeah, it's, I mean...
[Speaker 2]
Ladies listening, go on to Tall Friends.
[Speaker 1]
Those tall ladies need an outlet. Yeah, maybe I could test that one as well. Okay, I've got some food for thought here.
Teal, shall we move on to our main topic for the day?
[Speaker 2]
Yes, let's do it.
[Speaker 1]
Okay, so I want to hear from you. Date stalking. Where is the line?
Your client comes to you, she says, okay, Teal, I haven't been on a date with this guy yet. However, I do know his entire family history. I'm aware he doesn't have a criminal record, which is good.
I've run his identity through reverse image search on Google, and I've also checked all his credit scores. So I'm thinking he's okay to meet up with a date. What are your thoughts on this?
Do you, should you stalk someone before a date? I'm, yeah, I'm keen to hear from you first here.
[Speaker 2]
I actually had this exact thing happen, and a woman came to me saying all these exact same things. And what, in my mind, I was thinking is, this is a red flag about you, not about him. Because to me, it's not allowing us to trust, and trust in the flow.
And I, so my long story short is no, we should not be online stalking these men before dating them. I would say, or even going into dating them. The only time I think that is somewhat deemable to be a healthy, somewhat stalking situation would be if you were really getting a bad feeling intuitively about them, and you wanted to confirm that bad feeling to make sure that you weren't getting yourself into a dangerous situation.
But I think in the front end, if you are automatically going online, and it's tempting, I know. It's right there, and all of this information. You can find out anything you want about him.
But it's, you're taking away so much of the power of just getting to know this person organically. And you're, in a sense, I think if any of that were to accidentally come out in a conversation where they say, oh yeah, I used to go to veterinary school. And you're like, oh yeah, I know, right?
I used to do that too. And they're gonna be like, wait, what? How do you know that?
Then all of a sudden, you're the weirdo, you're the crazy one, and they're freaked out, right? So we just don't ever need to put ourselves in that situation. But what are your thoughts?
[Speaker 1]
I had a client, what do you think of this? I had a client come to me a couple of weeks ago, and she said, I went on a date, and I did a speech on YouTube that was published a couple of years ago, I think she said, it was for a committee, it wasn't a huge thing, it had a thousand views or something. And she said, the guy had watched almost the whole thing, and this was a first date, and was pulling from it some things I said.
And she said, should I be freaked out by that? What do you think?
[Speaker 2]
Gosh, it's hard to know without more context, I think. Because in one way, it's kind of sweet. He's dedicating time, and he's really showing a vested interest, and he obviously remembers, and she's made an impact on him.
But another hand, it is a little bit on the creepy side that he's kind of remembered all this, and he's memorized this, and he's now sharing all this, and she doesn't really know him at all. So I think it's hard to know without more context. There has to be context of the underlying energy, the dynamic, to really feel into if that's creepy or sweet and endearing.
[Speaker 1]
That's a good point. I definitely leaned more on the creepy side for myself. And it is a good point.
If we were wearing rose-colored glasses, we could say, well, look, he was just really into you. I think I lean more on the creepy side, because it's kind of the reverse of what you said before. If you are confident and trust yourself, wouldn't you want to get to know me from just being around me, as opposed to online?
And for those listening, I know there's been times, or maybe for some of you listening, I should say, there may have been a time where you say, hang on a minute, Mark. Hang on. Hang on a minute, Teal.
I've been scanned before. I've been hurt. I've had the wool pulled over my eyes.
I've had terrible online dating experiences. I'll be stuffed if I'm meeting up with someone without doing the research on them. And look, I get it, because you don't want to be hurt again.
I do, however, agree with Teal. If you are missing things, and this doesn't even just apply on a first date. This actually applies right throughout the relationship.
If you're missing someone's wounds and getting hurt, this is a little deep, but it's because your own wounds are blinding you to theirs. You're not seeing something and picking up on something intuitively that you would be if the inner work and inner connection had been done. So I think there's no substitute for a woman's intuition.
But honestly, even a man's intuition is great as well. And I'd much rather get a vibe for someone in person or even over the phone than figure them out from the internet because you just get so much more valuable information. You're unconscious.
It's such a wealth of knowledge and it will be able to tell you so much about a person. So yeah, I think it's a real crutch. And again, look, if you've been hurt in the past and you go, Mark, I have no man picker.
I'm completely off. It just makes me feel a little safer to do this a few times. Okay, you know, wean yourself off it slowly, do a little less each time and just start to go inwards and say, what am I sensing about this guy?
What are my feelings about this guy? What does my gut say? Take away the hope, take away the fears, take away the excitement, take away the dread.
Just like what does your quiet gut say? And if you can get to that answer, I don't think you'll ever need to do any date stalking. Obviously, take usual precautions, meet in public, meet in daylight, that type of stuff, regular dating stuff.
But yeah, I'm really with you here, Teal. I don't, I think it's a crutch for lost intuition.
[Speaker 2]
Yes, beautifully said, beautifully said. To add on to that, because the internet is what it is, and it is a literal record of every interaction we've ever had online, it might be worth doing your own stalking on yourself and just see what shows up. And then you can actually do a little bit of cleansing if need be, delete some things if need be, just in case the potential other version stalking on the other side happens.
It's interesting too, because it's such a, it's a blessing and a curse, right? Because for our line of work, I find that it works really in my favor. And I find that it's a really beautiful tool.
I will have women who've listened to almost every one of my podcast episodes or watch my YouTube videos and know me inside and out. And they talk to me on a phone call and they start reciting all these things that I've said. And I'm like, who are you?
I've never met you. This is crazy. And you know everything about me and you love me already and I've never met you.
But at the same time, I think that's very different for business and marketing and all of that versus actually personally trying to build a connection with somebody.
[Speaker 1]
Yes, I agree. I don't think there's too much more to add there. At the end of the day, your intuition is really gonna be your number one tool.
And that's always why I say get on the phone when you hear someone's tonality, when you hear their inflections, when you hear their pausing, when you really stop and be present in the conversation, I think you'll get so much more information from them than doing an internet search. And I really believe that.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah, we do not need to be the crazy girl on this date.
[Speaker 1]
Not to mention, I don't even know how to do that. How do you pull someone's... I don't wanna know cause I just don't wanna go down that rabbit hole, but pulling someone's last name, I guess you reverse image search or something.
But yeah, no, I've never recommended that to a client and I don't think I ever will.
[Speaker 2]
No, but we would love to know from you listeners, what crazy weird other app should we test out maybe? December, should we do bacon lovers? Should we do tin dog?
Should we do vegan vegetarian?
[Speaker 1]
I'll just put Lucy's picture with like a dog's face or something on it. So don't own a dog, this is the closest thing I've got. Yeah guys, let us know what you think we should test.
If you've got other apps, I'm sure there's crazier ones out there than that. I'd be keen to hear. I'm keen to hear what sort of variety we can come up with.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. Sounds like fun.
[Speaker 1]
Guys, thanks for joining us today. If you want a session with Teal, you can actually book one by the link in the show notes and the same with myself. Otherwise, it's been an absolute pleasure.
Teal, thanks for joining me today. As we will see you next week.